The US cess system is characterized by a comprehensive and impressive amount of regulations, where the US Internal Revenue Service has almost unlimited possibilities, long hands, and big batons. Rated by the World Bank for 2017, the United States ranks 36th in terms of the simplicity of the charge scheme.
The structure of the tax system
Since this country has a federal form of the device, the whole scheme is divided into 3 levels: federal, regional and local (at the level of cities or areas of the government). In a sense, it is similar to the “cantonal” Swiss system, but is not its direct counterpart.
Income contribution
Charged in 43 states. 7 states do not charge any revenue cess. All individuals, individual enterprises, partnerships without the status of a legal entity fall into the category of taxpayers. Marginal rates range from 2.9% in North Dakota to 13.3% in California. It should be noted that 27 states and the District of Columbia have unidirectional corporate contribution certification schemes. A higher propensity concerning unidirectional methods of corporate contribution than for individual revenue charge is justified, since there is no significant concept of “solvency” in corporate taxation, so contractors use different forms.
Jeffrey L. Kwall, a law professor at the Law School of Loyola University Chicago, notes that graduation corporate rates were unfair, that was, the size of the corporation was not related to the income levels of the owners. Indeed, low-income corporations could belong to high-income individuals, and high-revenue corporations could belong to low-earning individuals.
A unidirectional system minimizes the incentive and is used for firms to participate in economically inefficient imposition planning in order to mitigate the damage to higher marginal cess rates that some states charge on taxable income. Interestingly, it concerns the people who are responsible about the filing of their revenue charge, as opposed to indirect sales payment and excise contributions.
Electronic or paper tax form request is filed by both residents and non-residents for free (which fall under certain criteria). In many ways, this explains the draconian greed and omnipresence of the Internal Revenue Service. How? In order the calculations are carried out accurately all residents should fill in W9 form editable version correctly with true data and thus avoid federal tax penalty.